Monthly Archives: September 2011

Li Ang talks about “Writing Sex, Food and Politics” on Oct 10 at UC Berkeley

Li Ang, one of Taiwan’s best known feminist writers, will talk about her writing on Monday, October 10. She has been invited by the Institute of East Asian Studies and the Center for Chinese Studies to speak at the University of California (Berkeley) on “Writing Sex, Food and Politics” from 4 to 6pm.

A prolific writer who began her writing career at the age of 16, she has published nearly twenty novels and collections of short stories exploring topics of sexuality, feminism and gender. She is best known for The Butcher’s Wife (1983) which is critical of traditional Chinese patriarchy. The heroine is sold by her dead father’s brother into marriage with a brutal butcher much older than she. He dominates her sexually and takes pleasure in frightening her in various ways, including a visit to the slaughterhouse, after which the heroine in a disoriented state of mind murders him with a butcher’s blade.

She boldly broaches subjects long considered taboo in Taiwan, earning her extensive critical acclaim both from her Chinese/Taiwanese readers, as well as internationally. Translated and read worldwide, many of her works have been reviewed by leading newspapers such as The New York Times, and made into films and TV series. In 2004, Li Ang was awarded the “Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres” by the French Minister of Culture and Communication in recognition of her outstanding contribution to world literature.

The talk will take place at 2223 Fulton Street, Berkeley (California) in the 6th floor IEAS conference room. For more about the event, please visit: ( or contact the Center for Chinese Studies at
or .

A Moving Sound plays in Berkeley (Oct 3) and Seaside (Oct 5)

Founded a decade ago in Taipei (Taiwan), A Moving Sound (AMS) pushes the boundaries of ethnic music by combining the modern and traditional, the East and the West, ancient instruments with modern sounds.  Founded by Taiwanese singer Mia Hsieh and American musician Scott Prairies, the Taiwan-based music group will play their first US tour this and next month.

Their appearances will include a UC Berkeley’s colloquium on “Performing Taiwan: From Ethnography to Practice” at 4pm, Monday, October 3 ( followed by a concert that evening at Freight and Salvage at 8pm ( ). On Wednesday, Oct 5, they will also perform at CSU Monterey Bay World Theatre at 7:30pm.

Timed for the centennial of the Republic of China (Taiwan), the music of AMS has been praised by critics and world music advocates. Among them, Tom Pryor, from the National Geographic World Music, who called them “one of the most original outfits working in the world music arena today.”  Theodore C. Levin, a noted Dartmouth University ethnomusicologist and first executive director of Yo-Yo Ma’s Silk Road Project described it as “really beautiful, and beautifully presented.”

The group has been featured on BBC Radio, The Huffington Post, Taiwan Public TV, the Discovery Channel, the Lonely Plant television series and various other programs. Come and hear the eloquent infusion of Eastern sounds married with the avant-garde styles that is a part of modern Taiwan today.

Open your sense to the visual splendor and A Moving Sound as they performance in Northern California. Discover traditional Chinese music reinterpreted to include aboriginal dialect, popular folk tunes, ancient poems and several compositions that make the performance a truly moving one.

Golden Gate Bridge Walk celebrating the centennial of Asia’s oldest republic on Sept. 24

Over 2,500 Chinese- and Taiwanese-Americans will commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Republic of China on land, air and sea on Saturday, September 24. The event is sponsored by over 50 Chinese/Taiwanese community organizations, with the Chinese Community Cultural Association (CCCA) taking the lead.

The day will begin with a flag raising ceremony at 10:10 am (significant since Oct 10th is the National Day of the ROC, aka Double Ten) at Golden Gate Bridge’s Visitor Center in San Francisco. The gathering will then continue to walk across the Golden Gate  Bridge from 11:00am to 1pm. At the same time, an air banner celebrating the event will circle overhead from 11:40am to 12:10pm with chartered boat in the water as well.

The ROC was founded by Sun Yat-sen one hundred years ago in China and relocated to Taiwan in 1949. Sun spent nearly a decade in the United States and greatly admired the American system of government. Specifically, he rallied much of his support and funding for his revolution from overseas Chinese in the Bay Area. A statue of Sun now stands in Saint Mary’s Square (SF Chinatown), where he used to speak to overseas Chinese supporters. In time, his vision would pave the way for Taiwan’s transformation into a modern democracy.

As the first republic in Asia, the Republic of China continues to be a thriving open society and the Bay Area is now home to over some 700,000 Chinese- and Taiwanese-Americans.